Muslim extremist hosted by Kings College London

Jews, gays and kaffirs are “filth” says fanatical cleric

Universities fail to block “gateways” to fundamentalism and terrorism


London – 24 February 2010

In defiance of its own equal opportunities policy, King’s College London (KCL) is hosting the Muslim fundamentalist fanatic, Sheikh Abdullah Hakim Quick, this Thursday, 25 February, at 6pm in the Raked Lecture Theatre, The Strand, London.

He is anti-Semitic and homophobic. He denounces the “filth” of Jews (Yahood) and kaffirs.
See here (about 3.50 minutes into the video):

He says homosexuals should be executed.

Sheikh Abdullah Hakim Quick is on record as preaching:

•  AIDS is caused by the “filthy practices” of homosexuals
•  Homosexuals are dropping dead from AIDS and “they want to take us all down with them”
•  The Islamic position on homosexuality is “death”
•  Homosexuals are “sick” and “not natural”
•  “Muslims are going to have to take a stand [against homosexuals] and it’s not enough to call names” (this last point comes close to an implied threat of violence).
See here:

“King’s College would not host a white supremacist who advocated racism or death to black people. Why the double standards?” queried human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell of the lesbian and gay rights group OutRage!

“The Islamic Society should not be promoting this fanatic. By giving him a platform it is complicit with homophobic and anti-Jewish hatred. It is colluding with intolerance.

“The complacent, hands-off attitude of the Vice Chancellor is appalling.

“King’s College has an equal opportunities policy that prohibits the promotion of hatred against minorities but it is not enforcing it. The university is not a safe place for Jewish and gay students when it facilitates a vicious homophobe and anti-Semite like Sheikh Abdullah Quick.

“Sheikh Quick was hosted last week by City University and is being given a platform by the University of East London this coming weekend.

King’s College on Thursday:

University of East London this weekend:

“Several London universities are hosting other fundamentalist clerics, such as Abu Usamah, who advocates the killing of gay people and of Muslims who abandon their faith. He also endorses the beating of young Muslim girls who refuse to wear the hijab. See here:

“Too many student Islamic Societies are promoting hate-mongering clerics. These clerics are much more extreme than the BNP. They are religious fascists.

“University authorities are complicit with the propagation of Islamist fundamentalism. They are allowing their campuses to be used for the promotion of extremist interpretations of Islam.

“Many Vice-Chancellors are too weak and cowardly to take a stand. They fear being branded racist and Islamophobic. Instead of challenging these false slurs, they cave in to the hate-preaching fundamentalists.

“The encouragement of homophobia and anti-Semitism is one of pathways to Muslim radicalisation. It helps create a fanatical, anti-human rights mindset that can later develop into support for jihadism and terrorism.

“Even though many Muslims who are homophobic and anti-Semitic do not sympathise with terrorism, all terrorist-supporting Muslims are strongly anti-gay and anti-Jewish. Many begin their radicalisation with hatred of women, gays and Jews. They then progress to hatred of kaffirs and apostates. These hatreds can be stepping stones to the eventual justification of holy war, terrorism and suicide bombing.

“The failure of many university authorities to take a stand against homophobic and anti-Semitic clerics is complicity with fundamentalism and radicalisation. It is collusion with the gateways to terrorism.

Sheikh Abdullah Hakim Quick has been also promoted by the so-called Islamic Human Rights Commission. The IHRC recently advertised one of his lectures,” added Mr Tatchell.

Here are details of Sheikh Quick’s Thursday lecture, hosted by the KCL Islamic Society:

***Sheikh Abdullah Hakim Quick at King’s on his UK tour!!!!***
Time: 6:00PM Thursday, February 25th
Location: K6.29 Raked Lecture Theatre, Strand

Sheikh Abdullah Hakim Quick was featured in Voice of Islam, broadcast in New Zealand on 29 September 2003 on Triangle Television. During the programme, Quick addressed viewers about “Challenges Facing Muslims in the New Millennium”. Toward the conclusion of the lecture, Sheikh Quick expressed fanatical homophobic views. In summary, he said:

•  AIDS is caused by the “filthy practices” of homosexuals
•  Homosexuals are dropping dead from AIDS and “they want to take us all down with them”
•  The Islamic position on homosexuality is “death”
•  Homosexuals are “sick” and “not natural”
•  “Muslims are going to have to take a stand [against homosexuals] and it’s not enough to call names”.

Complaints about the programme were upheld by the Broadcasting Standards Authority of New Zealand. See here: